Tuesday, September 18, 2007

#14. Instant Messaging and VoIP (week 8)

This was not my first time using IMs. I have been using them for many years, I have had an AOL IM account for awhile and use it pretty frequently.

IMing in the library could be very helpful. The one good use of it would be for staffers to communicate amongst each other. It's quick, it's easy, and it's informal. It's a great to ask a co-worker a quick question, and it's less intrusive than a phone call.

Another way to use IMing in the library is as a "virtual reference desk". All we need to do is have one person replying to questions that may come in from patrons. We have a wireless network, people bring their laptops to the library, so this would allow them to seek help from anywhere with out having to physically be at the reference desk.

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